Title: Snow Like Ashes
Author: Sara Raasch
Genre: Fantasy
Meira is a warrior. She was raised by the commander of the Winter army and has been learning to fight for years. Yet despite this, Sara Raasch does not make her a heroine with unlimited skills and capabilities. Yes, Meira has grown up with sword fighting lessons, but she is awful at it. She hasn't beaten her best friend, Mather, in a fight once. And so her weapon of choice is a chakram, which she uses instead of pretending she is good at swordplay.
Mather is her best friend, but he is also the only heir to the throne of Winter, and therefore the future king. And so he and Meira can never be together, no matter how much they want to be. The plot is not focused on this, though.
Sir and Mather secretly arrange for Meira to be married to Prince Theron for an alliance of their kingdoms, which of course makes Meira very upset.
I was kind of disappointed when Meira was revealed to be the true heir of Winter, with magic inside of her because this is basically what happens in every YA book it seems. But the book was still written very well, so I liked it a lot.
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